October 2019

The Importance of Sustainable Seafood 


With customers becoming increasingly mindful of the environmental impact of their food choices, there’s more importance placed on how food is sourced. Seafood, in particular, has come under scrutiny as historical over-fishing has led to species endangerment. What is MSC Certified seafood? The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) aims to recognise and reward sustainable fishing practices, [...]

The Importance of Sustainable Seafood 2019-10-09T10:44:02+00:00

September 2019

What is anaerobic digestion and how can it help?


The UK produces an astonishing 10m tonnes of food waste per year. The majority of this comes from household waste. However, foodservice and manufacturing produce 2.85 million tonnes of food waste. A lot of this food waste ends up in landfill where it decomposes, emitting greenhouse gases including methane.   So Why Should We Be [...]

What is anaerobic digestion and how can it help?2019-09-24T15:21:58+00:00

Closing the loop: Paramount’s Packaging News


Paramount holds sustainability and responsible practices at the heart of what we do. This year we’re proudly removing black plastic from all of our UK products. Why is Black Plastic a Problem? 1 million tonnes of plastic packaging ends up in landfill every year, often because it can’t be recycled. The majority of black plastic [...]

Closing the loop: Paramount’s Packaging News2019-09-20T08:04:53+00:00

Happy 31st Birthday to us!


Happy 31st Birthday to us! A whole year has passed since our big 3-0 and what a year it’s been! Paramount continues to go from strength to strength, since the company was founded in September 1988. Building on a humble investment of just £3,500, determination, and a whole lot of faith, Paramount has developed from [...]

Happy 31st Birthday to us!2020-09-28T12:10:48+00:00

What is Flexitarianism and Why Should I Care?


What is a Flexitarian? A flexitarian diet or semi-vegetarianism is primarily plant-based with limited meat intake. This flexible plant-based approach can be adopted for a range of reasons, including health benefits and environmental motives like reducing your carbon footprint. Flexitarianism can be as little as having one meat-free meal a week or as much as [...]

What is Flexitarianism and Why Should I Care?2020-02-06T13:46:29+00:00
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